On Friday October 3, 2014, coaches, parents and supports of the Chestermere Chiefs Community Football organization filled West Creek Pub to help raise funds...
Category - Sports
September 6th was an exciting day for the community around Speargrass Golf Course. Carseland Jet Setters together with Speargrass Community Association held a...
The Chestermere Indus Referee Association is looking for new officials for the 2014/15 season. Referees need to be 13 by December 31st each year. The CIRA is...
It’s been a busy summer for the girls at Sweettalk Stables as they continue to show and garner points to qualify for the inaugral Royal West to be held...
Strathmore Rodeo/2014 Strathmore Heritage Days Stampede is Canada’s 3rd largest rodeo – August 1st to 4th was held at the fairgrounds behind the...
Saturday proved a bit breezy; not the best conditions for a paddlefest with the choppy water but nobody was deterred as they clambered into the canoes, kayaks...
I was asked to write an article about our TKD Club competing in the Western Championship on May 10 and I must say I was nervous. Do I try to be funny? Do I...
First things first – what is coach pitch and tee ball? Coach pitching is when the kids that are playing are still too young to pitch themselves. The coaches...
The East Side Wheelers, led by Coach Herbie, forged their way to victory against the Misfits of Mayhem with a score of 152 to 92. The Misfits of Mayhem started...
May 31 was a big day for Chestermere’s U6 and U8 soccer teams who participated in the Mid-Season Soccer Tournament sponsored by our very own and much...