Sh*t My Divorce Taught Me


When you were little and someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up, did you ever say Divorced?

I sure didn’t and I imagine you didn’t either…but here we are.

I’m sure I learned more during my 12 year divorce and co-parenting nightmare then I did the entire 6 years I spent in university. I’m sure you will agree but we tend to learn more from what we do wrong (our ‘failures’ or ‘mistakes’) then from what we do right (our ‘wins’ or ‘successes’)…at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

I’ve learned so much about life, relationships, parenting, divorce, calming the mind and emotional regulation that I just couldn’t keep it to myself.

This very first episode of Sh*t I Learned From My Divorce is for anyone going through a separation or divorce and their supporters.