Creating a culture of remarkable neighbours and neighbourhoods in Chestermere is at the core of what my weekly article is all about. Although we would love for...
Tag - Faith
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
When we first moved to Chestermere we had to make some phone calls to hook up the essential services. Some might guess what was first on my list. It...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Love Where You Live
When we love the places where we live, we see them differently. When we see them differently, we treat them differently. Our streets and homes are more than...
Columnists - Submitted Story
Give thanks for this democratic nation of Canada
A conversation with a Korean friend and 90 minutes with my grandson. Two incidents that give me reason for thanksgiving. My Korean friend told about her youth...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
The War Garden
Here is a totally hypothetical question: If the world fell into chaos today, would you toss your stuff in the minivan and head for the hills, or would you stay...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Characters in A.A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh are often better at making sense of the world than we may think. Piglet, for example, is small, kind hearted...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Running Afraid
Fear is a universal and difficult experience. Fear can prevent us from experiencing life and hope, and keep us away from new experiences and relationships. Yet...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Neighbourhood Leaders
Neighbourhoods thrive in a culture shaped by good leaders. Leaders are those people who pay attention to the places where they live. They work, often in small...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Rhythms of Life: A Day of Rest
Both my wife and I care for people; often at extreme high or low points in their life. I am a pastor and she is an ER nurse, and many of the best moments in...
Columnists - Preston Pouteaux
Deregulating Neighbourliness
There is a growing movement called, “Little Free Libraries.” It is a simple idea, really. The intention is to set up a small decorated box in your...