Tag - Food & Drink

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

About Time

Your intrepid liquor reporter went on his annual pilgrimage to the Okanagan Fall Harvest Wine Festival earlier this year, when I came across a new winery that...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

New Year For Beer

Welcome, gentle reader, to the much-awaited first liquor column of the New Year. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the past year, and how the face of...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Vegan Pints

It’s a tough world out there for vegans. No leather belts or shoes. A distinct lack of bacon at breakfast. Even most booze is off-limits for strict...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Saucy Sancerre

Your intrepid liquor reporter was out on one of those newfangled Internet dates last week, and ended up in a snooty French restaurant with a young lady of very...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

World Whisky Winner

Today is a good day to be a Canadian boozer, and especially exciting for those of us in the prairie provinces. Yes, gentle reader, amid much pomp and fanfare...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey


Faithful readers may recall your intrepid liquor reporter’s long appreciation of both beer and the fairer sex. As you can imagine, last month’s...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Yay For Cabernet

Wine labels can be a source of confusion for the average boozer. The snooty old-world countries like France put the name of the village or wine region where...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Irish Whiskey

Yankee Hillbillies have their Bourbon Whiskey. Kilt-wearing bagpipers have their Scotch Whisky. Even the Godzilla-fearing denizens of Tokyo have their own...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Okanagan Spirits

The Okanagan Valley of British Columbia is known far and wide as one of Canada’s premiere wine growing regions, second in volume only to the Niagara...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Aging Wine

Back in the days of my callow youth, when mullets and boy-bands roamed the earth with impunity, your humble narrator was a wide-eyed newcomer to the world of...