Tag - Food & Drink

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

No Groanies For Negronis

I spent the first week of June cautiously venturing outside the house, rediscovering simple pleasures like my first patio burger and beer in ten weeks...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Day For Chardonnay

After ten weeks in isolation, the lockdowns are slowly being relaxed, and I have already shown my support for local businesses by visiting the brewery tap...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Taproom Time

It has been a crazy 2 months.  Livelihoods and loved ones have been lost.  Mother Nature had a brief respite from humanity, and we saw political...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Ready For Radler

The month of May has been pretty lousy so far.  I have been quarantined at home for ten weeks now, and the first half of May brought us cold and gloomy...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Bock On The Dock

Just when I thought that 2020 could not get any worse, I see the news of the giant murder hornets causing mayhem and destruction.  Maybe I will just make...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Malbec On The Deck

After nearly two months of isolation at home, wearing pajama pants with a collared shirt for videoconferences no longer seems to be a breach of business...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

An Apple A Day

Having been ensconced in my windowless basement home office for nigh on six weeks of isolation now, I am beginning to feel like Sméagol transforming into...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Easter Beer

Easter weekend has just passed us by, marking the end of the season of Lent.   The more devout readers in the audience may have spent the 40 days of Lent...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey


Dear diary, today is the 25th day of isolation at home, and the keg of homebrew I started on day 1 is almost ready to be tapped.  And to think they called...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Pink Boots & Beer

Last weekend marked International Women’s Day, which I observed by visiting a few of the dozen or so craft breweries in Calgary that were celebrating the...