Tag - Langdon

Local News

Not In My Back Yard

Along with other hot topics in our community, the newest one that is all a buzz is the Chestermere Substation Interconnection project. FortisAlberta has...

Features Lifestyle

5 Must-Have Items for Travel

After you’ve finished making all your reservations and finalizing your travel itinerary, you still have the task of packing for your trip. With so much...


Abide by the standards

Dear Editor, The Area Structure Plan for Langdon is being debated once again within the community with all aspects of the plan to be discussed at a meeting on...

Columnists - Submitted Story

Take heart, you will be forgiven

 It had to be the longest 36 hours in history. The guilt must have been unbearable. His self esteem must have been lower than low. Thoughts of ending it all...

Columnists - RollyAshdown

Rocky View County report February

Some of you have noticed the Langdon ASP is underway, others may not care, but you should. An Area Structure Plan is the guiding document that Rocky View...