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Local News

Finding a use for election signs

A local beekeeper has come up with a novel way to keep many of the signs from the recent municipal election out of the dump. Sean Swart who is re purposing the...


Atom team continues to shine

It was another FANtastic, but windy day for our Chestermere Chiefs Atom team. Our O-line anchored by Caden Cole, Kartik Naidu, and Logan Madan were good at...

Local News

Getting to work

A full house came to watch as Chestermere’s new Mayor and Council were sworn in at their first official council meeting Oct. 23. “Now we’re in the big chair,”...

Local News

Haunted house open for business

If you like to be scared then Dr. Giggles House of Pain has just the prescription for you. Located at the intersection of Westchester Blvd and Crimson Lane the...