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Local News

A Nightmare Build

Anyone in Chestermere who likes a good scare knows they have to stop by the Koroll’s haunted house on Halloween. “They might want to stay out of...

Local News

Families grow with city parks

Chestermere’s birth forest grew with the planting of 18 new trees in honour of children in the community Sept. 27. “It’s kind of neat...

Local News

Soap Box Derby a huge success

Fifty-nine racers turned out for Lakeridge Community Church’s third annual Soap Box Derby Sept. 24. “The Soapbox Derby was a huge success,”...

Local News

Narrowing down the field

Chestermerians had their first chance to quiz the election candidates at the Library’s meet and greet Sept. 21. All 15 council candidates, five mayoral...

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