Hopefully you have been creating, growing, canning and photographing all summer! Now it’s time to get your entries ready to submit to the Chestermere...
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With the 28th annual Chestermere Country Fair around the corner, Chestermerians hoping to compete in the red ribbon competition are hard at work putting the...
While they are in rival gangs onstage, there’s no rivalry between the two young Chestermere actors performing in StoryBook Theatre’s production of...
Once again, the Chestermere Regional Community Association (CRCA) will be hosting a one stop shop of everything there is to do in Chestermere this fall with...
Children and adults alike had the opportunity to learn a little bit about Canada’s history and Blackfoot culture with a presentation at the Library Aug...
The verdicts have come in against both of the drivers accused in the June 2015 crash that led to the death of Chestermere youth Jaydon Sommerfeld...
Ryan Roch has decided that it is time to stop complaining and take up a more active role for change in Chestermere with a run for mayor. “I needed to...
Faith, bees and neighbourhood have inspired a Chestermere resident to write a book about how to create beautiful caring neighbourhoods. “[It’s] a...